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I’m a former Hollywood professional. This is the first time I’ve used the word “former” in that sentence. Essentially I want to take all that’s good from Hollywood and make something better… and I have a well thought out plan as to how that could be accomplished. But this will require what I call “Gideon’s Army”, a select group that understands and is committed to the vision. To sum it up, it’s based partly on the notion that ‘politics is downstream from culture’ and partially on the notion that ‘art’ is the most powerful weapon against evil.

Esoteric, yes, but it’s based in observable phenomenon. The notion of ‘propaganda’ employs this principle… use art, or artistic prowess to control the masses. It’s not a bad thing if the message communicated by the art is the actual truth… or Truth. Parables are the simplest example.

I won’t go on too long about it here other than a brief analysis of what I refer to as “the main project.”


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